Here’s what others are saying about Clinic Immersion:

Robert Luby MD, IFMCP | Executive Director of Medical Education at IFM

The virtual Clinical Rounds feature of the Dr KF Functional Medicine Clinical Immersion achieve for educational outcomes what patient group visits achieve for medical outcomes.

This is small group learning in its finest and most effective form.



Sezelle Gereau, MD | Live Mentorship Clinic Immersion Participant
Kathleen O’Brien, MD MPH | Live Mentorship Clinic Immersion Participant

Kimberly Glow, MD | Live Mentorship Clinic Immersion Participant


I am loving this program so much. I am following all the links in the modules in the portal, which lead me down rabbit holes and I get completely lost in the information.  But my learning is on such a steep rise – it’s amazing!!!

Susan Bentsen, RN MS CNS | Live Mentorship Clinic Immersion Participant

 The collaboration among nutrition and medical professionals is unique and engaging. I would recommend the program to emerging nutritionists interested in expanding their skills and gaining a breadth of experiences.

Jon Mitchell, PA | Live Mentorship Clinic Immersion Participant

As a Physician Assistant transitioning into Functional Medicine Dr KF’s Clinical Immersion has been extremely useful — much more so than any conference I could have attended. The depth and breadth of information covered is impressive and has helped me gain a much deeper understanding of different conditions and how to approach them. I especially appreciate having a forum where I can get answers to clinical questions from experts. I would recommend to anyone — regardless of specialty — new to the field of Functional Medicine.

Victoria Rand, MD, IFMCP | Live Mentorship Clinic Immersion Participant

When I finished my IFM training I knew I needed more practice applying what I learned. Now, I can’t imagine not doing Dr KF’s Functional Medicine Clinic Immersion – it should be required! There’s about 2-3 hours a week of live content, which usually inspires new topics to dive into – there’s so much to learn!

Plus, going through the learning process with my Immersion tribe of smart, inspiring practitioners has been a source of incredible support!  


Eden Honig, DO | Live Mentorship Clinic Immersion Participant

I have multiple tools and training in my integrative and FxMed kit, but I was frustrated with not being able to help enough people that where coming to me and not getting better. I needed to make time for this, and it’s been great. I have limited time, but I end up making it fit by prioritizing and carving out time to get the work done. Altogether I spend about 3-5 hours a week. I split it up, join live as much as I can and catch up at my own pace. If I can spend more time, I’ll listen to a lecture, but some days I have a quick question I’ll post it in the Facebook group.

Anita Berman, RD | Live Mentorship Clinic Immersion Participant

Dr KF’s Functional Medicine Clinical Immersion distinguishes itself from other programs in two ways. First, it combines conceptual and clinical work, giving the participants the opportunity to both study deeply and practically apply the methods learned. Second, it provides access to an exceptional diagnostician who brings her vast knowledge base to bear when caring for her patients. Dr. Fitzgerald effortlessly integrates multiple disciplines and I consider it a privilege to be taught from the best.

Mary Beth Charno, MSN, RN, A-GNP-C | Live Mentorship Clinic Immersion Participant

It’s amazing to have this ‘window’ into an established Functional Medicine clinic. There isn’t anything else quite like this available for new Functional Medicine practitioners to see and experience how FxMed theory gets translated into practice. Invaluable.



Stacey Cantor Adkins, MD MS IFMCP | Live Mentorship Clinic Immersion Participant

In Dr KF’s Functional Medicine Clinical Immersion there is an enormous spirit of generosity, of sharing information and advice, which creates a vibrant and supportive intellectual community.



Hili Ben-David MD, IFMCP

This mentorship program is AMAZING! It keeps me in check, I sometimes feel like I am losing my mind and hearing Dr. Litwin, Dr. Bird and Dr. Adkins experiences are grounding and reassuring. The conversations are authentic, open and you feel comfortable to be able to ask anything. I feel deeply connected and part of your community. I think this mentorship should be part of every practitioners journey to help fill in the many gaps we have in our education.

Dr Fitzgerald and team, thank you for being open and sharing all of your knowledge and experience- it is incredible. I am always learning something new from you.